you get hungry and you open the ref to find something to eat. you have to suddenly catch something falling because you ref is so full that the contents jump at you when you so much as slightly open the door. then you rummage through all the plastic containers, half-filled bottles things you don't recognize. you end up closing the ref door with nothing. absolutely nothing.
so you cook up a batch of whatever it is you have in the freezer or the pantry and you actually prepare more than what you can consume [that's hunger making you do that], which ultimately ends deep inside in the ref, which will later be forgotten, and after a few days, unrecognizable.
it's a vicious cycle, and until we cut the problem at its root, it will happen again and again and again. more often than not, you throw away half of what you buy. and that is why things must change from now on.
i've sworn to refrain from buying anything until the time i clear out all the left-overs, junk, and probable gunk inside the ref. i hope to achieve this by the weekend so i can present you with a really gorgeous after shot that will make you all run to revamp your refs. =D
This totally happens to me. I could drown in all of the leftovers that I just never get around to eating. I seriously need to get better at it.
Hi there! thanks for dropping by, my site is still in progress so don't be surprised that the posts evolve too.
i'm now one of your followers because i love how you write, so thank you for finding me. =D
my ref post now has a part two so i hope you check it out too, maybe we can help each other get better at it. =D
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